These flowers are so easy to make In the Designer’s Gallery Creator Software! Here are directions for two types of flowers to make. Enjoy placing them on your favorite projects like bags, wall hangings and wherever else you might like.
![Designer's Gallery Creator Fringe Flowers Designer's Gallery Creator Fringe Flowers](
Created by Emily Carter, Baby Lock Ambassador of Education
This project uses the Designer’s Gallery Creator Level 3.
For the first flower:
- Open Designer Gallery Platform
- Touch the “Merge Design from Library” icon.
- Then select the Designer Gallery Outlines.
- Go to Floral tab and select Floral 9.
- Go to the Creator Icon on the top ribbon, if you are not already in the Creator portion of the platform.
- Increase the size of the flower to about 3 inches. Note: if you hold the shift key down while changing size, the outline will stay in the middle of the page.
- With the flower selected, touch the Applique icon to create an applique flower. Adjust the Border stitch to create a satin stitch. Check material. This will automatically add the placement, tack down and finishing stitch to the applique.
- Touch the Merge Design from Library icon
- Go to DG Outlines and select Shapes 1.
- Now select the circle.
- Size the circle to about 1 ½”.
- Now copy and paste and change the size of the second circle to about 1”. This will determine the length of the fringe. I like it about 3/8 inch. It shows and is not too long.
- Select both circles by holding the control key down and touching each of the circles on the object tree.
- With only the circles selected, touch the “Logical Union” icon at the top of the work space. This will create a donut looking shape in the object tree.
- With only the donut shape selected, touch the Satin Column icon to create the fringe.
- After the stitches have generated, go to the properties and touch the down arrow next to the word NORMAL. Now select Fringe Left. This will generate the tack down stitch on the inside edge of the satin column.
- In Properties, adjust the Underlay to only use the Edge Run underlay.
- Now select the smallest circle on the object tree. Attach a Fill stitch to the circle. Adjust the Pattern to the Brick selection (or anything you desire). Move this to stitch last in the design.
- Now save the working and stitch file to a Creator working file on your computer and also the stitch file to a USB drive to take to the machine and test your flower!
- When stitching is finished, remove fabric from hoop.
- Using a stitch ripper or sharp scissors with fine points, cut only the bobbin thread for the fringe stitch. On the right side, use an eraser to fluff the fringe and pull the top threads to the top.
For the Second flower we will need to make an extra piece to create the free standing petals.
- Open Designer Gallery Platform
- Touch the “Merge Design from Library” icon.
- Then select the Designer Gallery Outlines.
- Go to Floral tab and select Floral 9.
- With the Flower shape selected, touch the Applique icon.
- Adjust the border to Satin stitch and make sure both the Placement and Material tabs are checked. There should not be a check in the Pre-Cut tab.
- Touch the “Merge Design from Library” icon.
- Then select the Designer Gallery Outlines.
- Go to Shapes 1 and select the circle
- Change the size of the circle to be about ½” and place in the center of the design. This will help us in placement of this later.
- With the small circle selected, touch the Run icon to create a Single run stitch around the circle.
- Now hoop a piece of water soluble mesh stabilizer and stitch the placement stitch.
- Add a layer of colored Organza.
- Stitch the tack down stitch and cut around the stitches.
- Finish the flower with the Satin border stitch.
- Remove from the machine and trim the stabilizer close to stitching then wash the stabilizer out of the flower. Set aside to dry.
Now for the rest of the flower.
- Open the Designer Gallery Platform again and select the Creator Icon.
- Touch the “Merge Design from Library” icon.
- Then select the Designer Gallery Outlines.
- Go to Floral tab and select Floral 6.
- With the Flower shape selected, increase the size to about 3 ¼”.
- Touch the Motif Fill Icon to create the fill stitch. You will need to touch ADD and then select from the many motif stitches for the fill stitch. I used Larger 19 and used the default settings.
- Check the Curve icon to create a curve fill for the flower. And adjust the curve if desired.
- Now duplicate the flower shape.
- With the second flower shape selected, touch the Run icon to add a running stitch around the outside to finish the flower.
- Touch the “Merge Design from Library” icon.
- Then select the Designer Gallery Outlines.
- Go to Shapes 1 and select the circle
- Change the size of the circle to be about ½” and place in the center of the design. This will help us in placement of this later.
- With the small circle selected, touch the Run icon to create a Single run stitch around the circle.
- Go to DG Outlines and select Shapes 1.
- Now select the circle.
- Size the circle to about 1 ½”.
- Now copy and paste and change the size of the second circle to about 1”.
- Select both the 1’’ and the 1 ½’ circles by holding the control key down and touching each of the circles on the object tree.
- With only the circles selected, touch the “Logical Union” icon at the top of the work space. This will create a donut looking shape in the object tree.
- With only the donut shape selected, touch the Satin Column icon to create the fringe.
- After the stitches have generated, go to the properties and touch the down arrow next to the word NORMAL. Now select Fringe Left. This will generate the tack down stitch on the inside edge of the satin column.
- Adjust the Underlay of the fringe stitch to only do the Edge Run underlay.
- Now select the smallest circle on the object tree. Attach a Fill stitch to the circle. Adjust the Pattern to the Brick selection (or anything you desire). Move this circle to stitch last
- Now save your design to your computer and the stitch file to a USB drive.
Creating the finished flower.
- Hoop stabilizer and fabric.
- Stitch the first color.
- Place the petals created in the first of this instruction, aligning the center circles and tape the top piece down with Embroidery tape or painters tape.
- Stitch the fringe stitch and the center portion of the flower.
- When stitching is finished, remove fabric from hoop.
- Using a stitch ripper or sharp scissors with fine points, cut only the bobbin thread for the fringe stitch. On the right side, use an eraser to fluff the fringe and pull the top threads to the top.
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